YOU ARE HERE: / Zharth's Classic Rock / Playlist - Sep 3, 2003
L.A. Drone/Immigrant Song/Heartbreaker (Live) - Led Zeppelin (How The West Was Won)
Summer's Almost Gone - The Doors
If 6 Was 9 - Jimi Hendrix Experience
T.N.T. - AC/DC (r)
Cry Baby - Janis Joplin
Sheep - Pink Floyd
Funny How Time Slips Away (Live) - Willie Nelson (r)
Falling From Above - Neil Young (Greendale)
New York City Blues - The Yardbirds
What's Your Name - Lynyrd Skynyrd (r)
Who Are You - The Who (r)
Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones
House Of The Rising Sun - Frigid Pink
Burned - Buffalo Springfield
After Midnight (1988) - Eric Clapton
Lazy - Deep Purple
The Bluest Blues - Alvin Lee
Fire (I Am The God Of Hell Fire) - Arthur Brown
In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed - The Allman Brothers Band
Scarborough Fair - Simon & Garfunkel
Darkness, Darkness - The Youngbloods
Notes: This was the debut of my very own classic rock show, where I had complete control for the entire semester. Lucky for me (I would find out just how lucky next semester), not many people showed up for the show picks and I managed to get the same spot Nate had had from the previous year (as far as I know, Nate took a break from the radio for this semester).
The previous spring, Led Zeppelin had released the spectacular live album How The West Was Won, and I made a point to play every track from it on my show, spread out among the shows from this and next semester. The summer of '03 also featured the tour and release of Neil Young's new album Greendale, which I also played on my show throughout this semester.
Willie Nelson was definitely a request (I think I remember not even bothering to play the whole track), and I remember some kid had called up requesting the song What's Your Name by Lynyrd Skynyrd for a girl that he apparently had an interest in.