YOU ARE HERE: / Zharth's Classic Rock / Playlist - Nov 5, 2004
Interstellar Overdrive (Live) - Pink Floyd [In London '66-'67]
The Scarecrow - Pink Floyd [The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn]
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun - Pink Floyd [A Saucerful of Secrets]
Green is the Colour - Pink Floyd [More]
The Narrow Way Part 1/Part 2/Part 3 - Pink Floyd [Ummagumma]
Summer '68 - Pink Floyd [Atom Heart Mother]
Julia Dreams - Pink Floyd [Relics]
Fearless - Pink Floyd [Meddle]
Burning Bridges - Pink Floyd [Obscured by Clouds]
Us and Them/Any Colour You Like - Pink Floyd [Dark Side of the Moon]
Roisin Dubh (Black Rose) A Rock Legend - Thin Lizzy (r)
Have A Cigar - Pink Floyd [Wish You Were Here]
Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin (r)
Pigs on the Wing, Part 1 - Pink Floyd [Animals]
Is There Anybody Out There? - Pink Floyd [The Wall]
Paranoid Eyes - Pink Floyd [The Final Cut]
On The Turning Away - Pink Floyd [A Momentary Lapse of Reason]
High Hopes - Pink Floyd [The Division Bell]
Communication Breakdown - Led Zeppelin
Notes: Strangely enough, the dates for my shows this fall happened to match the dates for my shows the previous fall. I ended up doing a Pink Floyd tribute on Nov. 5 of this year, as I had done a Pink Floyd tribute on Nov. 5 of the year before. I don't think it was intentional, though. I recall walking by the library either on the day of this show or in the one or two days before, and thinking that I'd like to do a show dedicated to Pink Floyd. And it just so happened to coincide with the date I had done a Pink Floyd tribute one year earlier.
Last time, I focused on tracks from the pre-Dark Side of the Moon period. This time, I tracked Pink Floyd's albums chronologically, playing one track from each album. I played Us And Them from Dark Side of the Moon for two reasons. First, I wanted to make a point of playing Any Colour You Like along with it, since those two tracks are connected so well, but corporate radio never plays Any Colour You Like. It's like the only track from Dark Side of the Moon that radio never plays. But those two songs are as connected as Heartbreaker is to Living Loving Maid, or The Happiest Days Of Our Lives to Another Brick In The Wall Part 2. But since Us And Them is already nearly 8 minutes, and in this culture of distraction, you can't play on one theme for too long or people (supposedly) get disinterested and walk away, radio always cuts the song out just as Any Colour You Like begins to get underway. So, I wanted to undermine that. Oh, and the second reason I played it is because I remember my friend Paul, who played lead guitar in campus band My Shady Uncle Thomas, once (or twice) told me that that was his favorite track on the album.
As for the Thin Lizzy request, I thought that was pretty interesting. I was never that familiar with Thin Lizzy's material, but this guy wanted to hear the song, and I was able to find it in the back (on vinyl), so I put it on, and I have to say, I was very impressed! So thank you, to the guy that requested that song.